PPI & Public Engagement
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
It shifts research from the traditional view of
research being carried out ON those it impacts’ to the more helpful view of ‘research being carried out WITH and FOR those it impacts
PREDICT-meso has links to mesothelioma PPI groups and individuals. If you would like to utilise these PPI links for any new or current studies, please contact the PREDICT-Meso.
PPI - Get Involved
PPI gives YOU a bigger say in the research and research methods that matter to YOU!
We are interested in finding out:
• the type of activities you would like to be involved in
• whether you would like to take part in face to face or virtually
• the research that matters to YOU
If you are interested in being involved in a PREDICT-Meso PPI group, click the button below and complete your contact information and preferred meeting format.
Mesothelioma UK Research Centre- Sheffield
The Mesothelioma UK Research Centre (MURC) hosts a dedicated Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Panel, to ensure their research is in line with the needs and priorities of patients and their family members. They have a well established PPI group that interested patients and family members can join, and interested researchers can tap into. Click the button below for more info….
Public Engagement
A project funded by Cancer Innovation Challenge, and led by network members from the University of Glasgow (Blyth) and Canon Medical Research Europe, has created a prototype artificial intelligence (AI) system, which can detect and measure Mesothelioma tumours on CT scans without any human input. This exciting development was submitted to the Glasgow Science Centre online science festival, Curious About Innovation (May-21) and selected from numerous applicants for display. 5,218 ‘users’ accessed the website hosting this between 12-26 May 2021.
The above AI project was picked up by international news outlets, resulting in TV, radio and print media appearances, including BBC Scotland TV News. See here for the BBC news article. This AI tool is being validated as part of PREDICT-Meso WP5.